Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu Recipe Easy Home Cooking Procedure

Know the details about Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu Recipe Easy Home Cooking Procedure, Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu Recipe Best Cooking Procedure

Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu Recipe: A Crunchy Delight

Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu, also known as Pappu Chekkalu, is a cherished snack from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. These crispy rice flour crackers are a beloved treat during festivals and special occasions, offering a delightful blend of spices and crunch. Let’s dive into the history, preparation, and significance of this traditional snack.

Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu Recipe Easy Home Cooking Procedure

History and Importance

Chekkalu are integral to the festive celebrations in Telugu-speaking regions. Traditionally prepared during festivals like Sankranti, Dasara, and Diwali, they symbolize hospitality and joy. Sharing these savory treats with neighbors and friends is a cherished custom, fostering community bonds and celebrating cultural heritage.

Items Required and Quantity

Rice Flour1 cup
Chana Dal2 tbsp
Butter1 tbsp
Cumin Seeds1 tsp
Ginger Paste1 tsp
Red Chili Powder1/2 tsp
Curry Leaves2 sprigs
Salt1/2 tsp
Green Chili (optional)1

Estimated Cost

The total estimated cost for preparing Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu is approximately ₹60-80, depending on local ingredient prices.

Utensils Needed

  • Mixing bowl
  • Heavy-bottomed pan
  • Kadai (for frying)
  • Colander or cooling rack
  • Measuring cups

Cooking Temperature and Time

  • Cooking Temperature: Medium flame
  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes
  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

  • Calories: 54 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 10g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fat: 1g
  • Fiber: 1g

Cooking Procedure Overview

The recipe involves mixing all ingredients to form a dough, shaping it into thin discs, and deep-frying them until golden and crispy.

Detailed Step-by-Step Cooking Procedure

  1. Prepare Chana Dal:
    Soak chana dal in hot water for 10 minutes. Drain and set aside.

  2. Make the Dough:
    In a mixing bowl, combine rice flour, salt, cumin seeds, red chili powder, ginger paste, curry leaves, and soaked chana dal.

  3. Add Butter:
    Bring 6 tablespoons of water to a boil. Add butter to it and let it melt completely.

  4. Mix Ingredients:
    Pour the hot water and butter mixture over the rice flour. Mix with a spoon initially, then use your hands to form a non-sticky dough. The dough should be slightly crumbly but hold together when pressed.

  5. Shape the Chekkalu:
    Divide the dough into small balls. Flatten each ball on a damp cloth or parchment paper to form thin discs. Prick with a fork to prevent puffing during frying.

  6. Heat Oil:
    Heat oil in a kadai over medium flame. Test the oil temperature by dropping a small piece of dough; it should sizzle and rise without browning.

  7. Fry the Chekkalu:
    Gently slide the discs into the hot oil. Fry in batches until golden and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a cooling rack.

  8. Cool and Store:
    Allow the chekkalu to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.


  • Ensure the chekkalu are thin for maximum crispiness.
  • Use fresh rice flour for the best flavor.
  • Fry on medium heat to ensure even cooking without burning.

Serving Procedure and Decoration Ideas

Serve Chekkalu on a platter lined with banana leaves for an authentic touch. Garnish with a few sprigs of curry leaves for added color.

Best Combined With

  • Coconut chutney
  • Tomato ketchup

Should Not be Combined With

  • Sweet desserts
  • Soft drinks

Eating Process

Enjoy Chekkalu as a crunchy snack with tea or coffee. They are perfect for munching during festive gatherings or as an evening treat.

Recipe Health Tips and Benefits

  • Health Tips: Chekkalu are deep-fried, so consume in moderation.
  • Benefits: Rice-based snacks are generally gluten-free and provide a quick energy boost.

Recipe Health Warnings

  • High in calories due to frying.
  • Not suitable for those on a low-fat diet.

Storage Instructions

Store Chekkalu in an airtight container at room temperature. They remain fresh and crisp for up to two weeks if kept away from moisture.

Things to Know

  • Chekkalu are best made with fresh, fine rice flour for a light texture.
  • Traditionally made in large batches during festive times.


Q: Can I bake Chekkalu instead of frying?
A: Yes, bake them at 180°C for about 15-18 minutes or until crisp.

Q: How can I make Chekkalu spicier?
A: Increase the amount of red chili powder or add crushed black pepper.

Biyyam Pindi Chekkalu are more than just a snack; they are a piece of cultural heritage, bringing families together over their preparation and enjoyment. Try making them at home and enjoy the crispy delight with your loved ones!

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