Moong Dal Payasam Without Milk Recipe Easy Home Cooking

Know the details about the Moong Dal Payasam Without Milk Recipe Easy Home Cooking, Moong Dal Payasam Without Milk Instant Step By Process

Moong Dal Payasam Without Milk: A Healthy and Delicious Delight

Moong Dal Payasam, a traditional South Indian dessert, is known for its rich and creamy texture. But did you know that it can be made without milk as well? This recipe for Moong Dal Payasam without milk retains all the deliciousness of the traditional recipe but with a unique twist.

Moong Dal Payasam Without Milk Recipe Easy Home Cooking


Moong Dal Payasam without milk is an ideal choice for those who are lactose intolerant or prefer vegan-friendly options. It’s a versatile dish that can be served warm or chilled, making it a delightful treat for various occasions


  • 1/2 cup yellow moong dal
  • 1 cup jaggery/gud
  • 2 tablespoons ghee (use coconut oil for vegan version)
  • 1/4 cup cashews, halved
  • 1/4 cup coconut slices
  • 1 cardamom, powdered

Nutritional Information

The absence of milk doesn’t compromise the nutritional value of this payasam. Moong Dal is high in protein, while jaggery is rich in iron. The coconut oil or ghee used adds healthy fats to the dish.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Cooking Steps Overview

The process involves roasting the moong dal, preparing the jaggery syrup, and combining everything together with ghee-roasted cashews and coconut slices

Step-by-step Cooking Procedure

  1. Dry roast the moong dal in a pan until it turns golden brown.
  2. Add water to the roasted dal and cook until it becomes soft and mushy.
  3. In another pan, melt the jaggery with a little water to make a syrup.
  4. Once the jaggery is completely melted, strain it to remove any impurities.
  5. Add this jaggery syrup to the cooked moong dal and stir well.
  6. In a separate pan, heat some ghee or coconut oil and roast the cashews and coconut slices until they turn golden brown.
  7. Add these roasted cashews and coconut slices to the payasam


  • Always roast the moong dal before cooking as it enhances the flavor.
  • Use a fine sieve to strain the jaggery syrup and ensure there are no impurities.
  • The addition of cardamom powder gives the payasam a nice aroma

Things to Know

This version of Moong Dal Payasam is perfect for people who are lactose intolerant or following a vegan diet. It’s also a great choice if you simply want to try a new twist on the traditional recipe


Q: Can I use sugar instead of jaggery? A: While jaggery is traditionally used for its unique flavor and health benefits, sugar can be used as a substitute if needed

Q: Can I use any other dal instead of moong dal? A: Moong dal is preferred for its soft texture and mild flavor, but feel free to experiment with other types of dal

In conclusion, this recipe for Moong Dal Payasam without milk is a wonderful way to enjoy a traditional dessert with a unique twist. Try it out and savor the flavors of this delicious dessert.

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